
John & Staci, Cordillera, Vail, Colorado


I shot this wedding 3 weeks after having my baby.  John and Staci where so wonderful to work with and everything was beautiful.  I will admit it wasn’t easy on my right after having Tanner but it felt great to be doing what I love and getting to work with such a great couple and their families!

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Oh What a Year!


Exactly one year ago, I cam home from shooting in Vail, Colorado and new something was different. I quickly discovered this beautiful little girl had been created. I remember being in complete shock and completely terrified! Now we can’t imagine our lives with out. Its already been 4 months and she has grown so much and continues to melt our hearts daily! We love you MIss Tanner and are so very blessed that you where created and given to us!

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Tanner Gradie Thomas


Well I am just about 3 months into motherhood and doing well. Tanner is definitely the light of our lives and we our cherishing every moment. I have been working here and there through my maternity leave and plan to be back full time at the start of the new year. I wanted to share some of the precious moments I have captured during this wonderful time in our lives. Tanner will probably grow to dislike the camera but for now she is my perfect little model!








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