
Busy, Busy weekend


One wedding down for the weekend and another one to go with less than 13 hours between them. While downloading and recharging, I thought I would share an image from tonight’s wedding at the Donovan Pavilion in Vail. Congrats Michael and Brooke. You guys where beautiful to work with.

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It was Bring Your girl To Work Day!


Yesterday, what I thought was going to be a nutty day having to bring Miss Tanner along on my 4 sessions, ended up being such a blessing.  She was a rock star and it was neat to get to spend that time with her.  Thank you to my wonderful clients who totally understood and even played with her a bit. So of course I had to pop off a few quick shots of my sweetie!


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Untitled-1My precious little side kick decided she wanted to pick the winner!  Well she thought it would be fun to pick two winners, and I think she was right! Congratulations Audrey Carson and Jamie Gonzalez!  I am excited to get to work with them.  Keep a look out for future contest and my fall specials that I will announce in September.  Thanks to every one who participated!

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